
Mindfulness is the ability for us as human beings to be fully aware of the present moment, of where we are and what we’re doing, with a quality of non-judgement, curiosity and kindness. It is an innate ability that can be cultivated through the practice of mindfulness meditation and applying mindfulness techniques to everyday life.

A regular meditation and mindfulness practice is a way to take care of our body and mind. It helps us live less stressed and happier lives, cultivate empathy and compassion, develop deeper relationships and achieve success. In other words, it enhances our well-being and quality of life. The benefits of a consistent mindfulness practice fall within the following 5 categories and are well-established by evidence within the scientific community.

Attention | Cognition | Emotion | Behavior | Physiology

In the workplace, the positive impacts of mindfulness practices for employees and companies fall generally within 3 areas:

Performance | Relationships & Teamwork | Overall Employee Well-being

Below are some of our workshops in these three areas. Using evidence based techniques, our workshops are experiential learning classes that consists of 25% lecture and 75% meditation and small group exercises. Don't see anything you are looking for? We can work with you to customize a workshop that is most relevant for your team. 

Mindfulness & Stress

Workplace stress comes in all forms including deadlines, the bottom-line, organizational uncertainty and change, managers and co-workers to just name a few. A certain level of stress is healthy but prolonged and overwhelming stress can negatively affect our well-being, professional relationships and thus performance. Mindfulness is a great tool for stress management. In this workshop, employees will first and foremost learn to become more attuned to stress and how it impacts them physically and emotionally. They will then learn mindfulness tools and "hacks" that can specifically be used in the workplace to feel calmer and manage stress.

Mindfulness & Emotional Regulation

Do you remember the last time you were pissed at someone? Now do you remember what the trigger was, how you felt physically, and how you reacted? All of us are conditioned part genetically and part by our past experiences to react automatically to different types of triggers. These automatic reactions may not always serve us well, especially in the workplace. The practice of mindfulness creates space between the trigger and reaction so that we can respond from a place of ease and clarity. When we’re in a mindful state, we disengage from our habitual patterns of reactivity, become more focused and have better emotional regulation. This class will help employees not only become aware of their triggers, but also practice emotional regulation using mindfulness tools.

connection & GratitudE

Connection and community are wonderful traits all companies wish to cultivate more of. But that can be hard to do when our days are jam packed with meetings and to-do lists. By allowing for deliberate time to reflect on the people and things we are grateful for, gratitude meditation is a proven tool to help us feel more connected to the world outside ourselves. With a focus on kindness and gratitude in the workplace, employees will leave this class with a greater sense of appreciation and connection to each other and the company mission.

MINDFUL communication

Communication is one of the most important skills we need in the workplace. One of the biggest contributors to conflicts and poor individual and team performance in the workplace is mis-communication. In this workshop, employees will learn how integrating mindfulness into their listening and speech can improve their overall quality of communication (clarity and effectiveness) and relationships. The workshop will also include a component on digital communication, an integral part of our interactions today. 

Mindful Eating

Life is busy and increasingly our days require us to eat with more distractions (i.e. in meetings, while multi-tasking) and quickly. We also face an abundance of food choices and decisions in our day. There’s only so much time in a day! Using the practice of mindfulness, we re-learn to slow down, to be fully present with our food using our bodies and our senses, to appreciate and view food from a different perspective. By increasing our awareness of how food affects each of us physically and emotionally, we can re-learn to be intentional with our food and not succumb to our automatic habits.


Need we say more? This workshop will introduce employees to different mindfulness techniques to help them fall asleep. Warning: extremely relaxing. 

Intention Setting

We live in a goal oriented world today. The typical goal setting process is to break these goals into manageable and achievable pieces, then to put a big check mark when we've achieved our goal. Goals are great but intentions are different.

Intentions guide us, our actions, how we show up for others, and thus our lives. An intention isn't something we NEED to achieve. We use our thinking mind to set goals. We use our wise heart to set our intentions.  

In a workplace settings, intentions can positively impact how we do our job, not just what we do. It makes us more effective. Intention setting also helps us get out of our own heads and widens our perspective so that we can better contribute to the community around us. In this workshop, employees will use meditation and mindfulness as a vehicle to examine their values and set intentions that are aligned with their values.